When I visited my grandmother in the nursing home on Saturday, she and the other inmates were a coughing choir. On Monday, two days later, the cold I had been waiting for, for weeks, broke. Only, I suspect the flu instead, as there is fever, aches in the muscles, lack of appetite, mucus and a… Continue reading The flu
Quotation Monday #91 – Love
Love is like riding or speaking French: if you don’t learn it young, it’s hard to get the trick of it later. – Downton Abbey
Goals for February
In February I will… Order tickets to visit Oslo. Play in the KVSC Trivia Weekend. 50 hours of trivia. Playing from Norway, on Minnesota time. Go on more hikes. (Possibly walk to work depending on shape and weather.) Reschedule with friends who were invited to the tea party – and set up new times to meet.… Continue reading Goals for February
Status for the resolutions of January
Overall, January has been marked with a lack of energy and bad weather, and just wanting to be inside. In January, I wanted to… Read more paper-books and less e-books. Have definitely done this. I have taken to heading for my own shelves when I am home and done a lot of rereading. Visit a… Continue reading Status for the resolutions of January
The chairs
My dining room chairs has got a bit wonky. (Borrowed from my grandmother, who stored them somewhere and had not used them in a while. As evidenced by the fourth chair with paint splatters.) So, this summer, I made renovating them a project. I used sandpaper to remove the old paint as much as possible.… Continue reading The chairs
Also… I finished Nanowrimo in November! A triumph because it has been such a long time since I actually sat down and enjoyed the process of writing. The one thing I said to myself every day as I was writing: don’t stop to research, just write. And I wrote. And I am sure it was… Continue reading Nanowrimo
Up and down
When someone I am not seeing regularly asks me how I have been recently, the answer is (depending on who it is) up and down. (And in general, though I am talking about my depression and my anxiety, I am also trying to be more aware of not talking to people about it as I… Continue reading Up and down
Creamy porridge with apple, raisins and orange juice compote
A new year, new food promises. This porridge from BBC Good Food is incredibly creamy – it actually feels a bit like rice porridge, but it is oats- and the compote on top brings it all together. The recipe gives two servings, and two big servings at that. From experience: I put one in the… Continue reading Creamy porridge with apple, raisins and orange juice compote
January resolutions
Happy New Year, people! I never keep the resolutions I intend for a whole year, so I thought I would try to have some resolutions each month this year, instead, and then hope at least some of them will become new habits. Or you know, a way to get it done. In January, I will… Read more paper-books… Continue reading January resolutions