Rose Kennedy: The Life and Times of a Political Matriarch by Barbara A. Perry My rating: 3 of 5 stars I actually rather liked this. My first foray into reading about the Kennedy clan (as an adult) had to be about Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy. I’ve had both the Jackie and Teddy biographies lying about for… Continue reading Review: Rose Kennedy: The Life and Times of a Political Matriarch
Quotation Monday #23: Positive thoughts
Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results. Willie Nelson
The ducks have arrived for my birthday party later today. They will be swimming in a paddling pool as decoration.
Scandinavian cooking: Wales kringle
Oddly enough named Waleskringle – I have no idea where the name comes from. If I were to hazard a guess, as it is an old Danish dessert, I would guess that it might have been named when Princess Alexandra of Denmark married the Prince of Wales, although one dictionary say that it is an… Continue reading Scandinavian cooking: Wales kringle
Turning 30
I turn 30 today. Hints and tips for the next decade are welcome. Enough said.
Prince George
He’s now more than a week old, Prince George of Cambridge. He’s also the most talked about baby globally for quite some time. Frankly, I haven’t bothered posting about him before, because it seemed like there was a huge overload of it. I especially liked the Huffington Post’s spoof headline: Woman gives birth to baby.… Continue reading Prince George
Friedrichstadt, Northern Germany
This summer we stopped by Friedrichstadt, Northern Germany. The town was basically selected because we needed a hotel to stay at (and the spa hotel was fantastic) but surprisingly the town itself was also super charming, with channels around the historic town centre, and roses up along the house walls.
Quotation Monday #22: Conduct
Circumstances are beyond human control, but our conduct is in our own power. Benjamin Disraeli
The succession to the Belgian throne (A 100 things #16)
Now that we’ve had a Belgian abdication, and a new King of the Belgians, it is time to look at the Belgian line of succession. Unlike in the Netherlands, the line of succession does not change overly much when the monarch ascends to the throne – everybody else just takes one jump ahead in the… Continue reading The succession to the Belgian throne (A 100 things #16)