Given the Norwegian media coverage of the Swedish wedding this weekend, it seems appropriate that today is the anniversary of the Norwegian independence from Sweden. If we had celebrated this as a national day instead of May 17, there would have been a trifecta of Scandinavian national days in a row. Denmark on June 5,… Continue reading Norwegian independence day
Review: The Happiness Project: Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun
The Happiness Project: Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun by Gretchen Rubin My rating: 4 of 5 stars I just finished reading this book. I did not think I was going to like it, and I’ve had… Continue reading Review: The Happiness Project: Or Why I Spent a Year Trying to Sing in the Morning, Clean My Closets, Fight Right, Read Aristotle, and Generally Have More Fun
Now that GoogleReader is disappearing
My stats from the past 30 days… From your 216 subscriptions, over the last 30 days you read 8,966 items, clicked 130 items, starred 21 items, and emailed 6 items. Since 22 April 2010 you have read a total of 300,000+ items. And that’s just the past 30 days, and I’ve cut down since the… Continue reading Now that GoogleReader is disappearing
The abdication and the investiture
I didn’t take the day off for the Cambridge wedding, but I’m enough of a royal watcher still to take today off at work and spend the day in front of the television set. I’m fortunate enough as a royal watcher to have the transmission going on in two channels, with both Trond Norén Isaksen… Continue reading The abdication and the investiture
Ah, the memories
Last summer, when I was in Paris with my sister, we took the train to Versailles. Although the sheer magnitude of the palace, such as the mirrors and chandeliers in the picture below, is undeniable, there were something else that also caught my attention. Like my 90 year old grandmother, I’m a chocoholic. There is… Continue reading Ah, the memories
Conference life
Conference living part of this week. Must admit I don’t get the appeal of dry biscuits in the breaks, though they do improve when dunked in tea. But the content of the conference is good, and the lunch includes nommy food. Nice.
As a foreigner, without a good dataplan abroad, I’m very thankful for the multitude of free wi-fi spots everywhere in London. Well, save for McDonald’s. Couldn’t get that working. But everytime I walk past a Waterstone or a Starbucks… I’m up and running. Although yesterday, I had two hours in a Starbucks with just writing.… Continue reading Wi-fi
Lemon drizzle cake
When life gives you lemons, you go hunting for a tasty lemon cake recipe. Sometimes it works for you, sometimes it may work for someone else – which is why I’m sharing. This cake is one of the more highly rated recipes over at BBC GoodFood. I have had it bookmarked for ages as something… Continue reading Lemon drizzle cake
There’s inevitably one clock I forget to change to daylight savings time. This is bad in spring. Like when I get down to the car, and suddenly realize that I’m up and off to work an hour before I usually am. On the positive side – I also forgot to change my wrist watch, and… Continue reading DST