I’ve never really had a fear of dentists. As a kid I used to love going to them – and even having a cavity filled in 9th grade wasn’t much of a deterrent. And yet I’m slightly anxious every time I go to the dentist now – after my burnout/anxiety/depression hit fully. Not because it… Continue reading The dentist tomorrow
Oh, joy…(!)
When the PCOS-cycled depression hits when I’m already feeling low from a cold… Yes, Brain, I want to analyse every little detail from today. Especially the ones that make me doubt everything I did. Sure, that’s fun. Ever notice that magically when you’re in that headspace, you forget everything you did that was actually good?… Continue reading Oh, joy…(!)
Summer feelings
Someone to laugh and be comfortable with
Sometimes I want a partner. Someone to lean into and hug. Trade quips with. Sit on the couch with and watch tv-shows, snarking together. And basically be an old married couple. And then comes the time when I don’t really have the energy to find said partner. And figure I’m doing alright enough as single.… Continue reading Someone to laugh and be comfortable with
Quotation Monday: Bank of bad days
WHEN YOU ARE very depressed or anxious – unable to leave the house, or the sofa, or to think of anything but the depression – it can be unbearably hard. Bad days come in degrees. They are not all equally bad. And the really bad ones, though horrible to live through, are useful for later.… Continue reading Quotation Monday: Bank of bad days
Information overload, or deficiency
Every now and again, I go through phases where I’m bored with what I have in my Tumblr or my Feedly – in terms of reading. I then proceed to add stuff. And then there are times like now, where I am busy at work (seriously, added two hours to my flex. time account today.)… Continue reading Information overload, or deficiency
Algorithms vs. chronological
When I first started reading social media (be it LiveJournal, Facebook, GoogleReader (RIP) or Twitter), things were easy. It was chronological. That meant that whenever I reached a post I remembered reading before, I was done. Now, a lot of the sites have gone the direction of using algorithms that show you what you see,… Continue reading Algorithms vs. chronological
Reading challenge
Activity-wise, my spare time go in waves. So far this year, it’s been mostly about the books. I figure I have to get ahead in my challenge before my focus change.
Happy New Year
the fireworks that the neighbours are setting off. May 2017 be a good year.