Reading challenge

Activity-wise, my spare time go in waves. So far this year, it’s been mostly about the books.  I figure I have to get ahead in my challenge before my focus change. 

*cough* Still alive.

I’ve got myself a Christmas cold. I would feel sorry for myself, but after nearly two years of feeling poorly without any results as to why (until it is suddenly depression/anxiety/panic attacks /burned out.) a cold is really manageable. I mean, drink plenty of fluids. Blow my nose. Try to avoid coughing/sneezing at people and… Continue reading *cough* Still alive.

All the thoughts…

  that run, wander and meander through my mind when I lie in bed at night.  I take a deep breath once I switch the light off, and prepare to fall asleep.  But then the thoughts get free access to everything. No sensory overload to prevent it.  All the things I should have done. All… Continue reading All the thoughts…


My grandmother did something incredibly smart. When she received hydrangeas as potted plants for indoors – she would eventually plant them outside.  It turns out that they thrive in her garden. And year after year, we are blessed with this sight:   They’re just starting to bloom.  And pretty soon – the whole flower bed will… Continue reading Hydrangeas

The chairs

My dining room chairs has got a bit wonky. (Borrowed from my grandmother, who stored them somewhere and had not used them in a while. As evidenced by the fourth chair with paint splatters.) So, this summer, I made renovating them a project. I used sandpaper to remove the old paint as much as possible.… Continue reading The chairs

Up and down

When someone I am not seeing regularly asks me how I have been recently, the answer is (depending on who it is) up and down. (And in general, though I am talking about my depression and my anxiety, I am also trying to be more aware of not talking to people about it as I… Continue reading Up and down

Nanowrimo and slow-tv

I’m trying to finish my National Novel Writing Month project today (currently at 47388 words). While I am writing, I am now listening in on the latest in Norwegian slow-television – the Norwegian church’s book of hymns and psalms, sung from cover to cover by Norwegian choirs minute by minute. I started with the backlog today… Continue reading Nanowrimo and slow-tv

So yeah (venting about health issues, and sorry for being away.) – Copied from LJ

I have really been neglecting LJ. Of course, you shouldn’t feel too bad, I have been neglecting almost any social media/where I have to do stuff for the past couple of years (Facebook updating is scarce as well.) . From time to time, I get energy and try to blog – which sometimes work and… Continue reading So yeah (venting about health issues, and sorry for being away.) – Copied from LJ