Music review: Vi tenner våre lykter, CD from Haakon & Mette-Marit’s foundation

When I played in the brass band, we had a conductor from the North of Norway. He relished in us playing a northern Norwegian Christmas psalm, in the south of Norway. I can’t recall ever hearing it played – and, quite honestly, the fact that it was on this CD was one of the reasons… Continue reading Music review: Vi tenner våre lykter, CD from Haakon & Mette-Marit’s foundation

Christmas greetings

The first sign of life has come from the journey of the Crown Princely family, and they’ve met with a team from the Norwegian Broadcasting channel NRK in India. To see the pictures go here.

My advent calendar light

Bought in Copenhagen just last month. Cozy way of counting down the days until Christmas. If only it didn’t get wider the further down we get… It’s easy to forget a day.

Norwegian Christmas Cooking: Sirupsnipper

Or as a translation to English might be: Syrup Diamonds. Basically because they’re meant to be shaped like men’s cuff (hence the name in Norwegian) but actually look like the diamonds you find on playing cards. Well, they’re meant to. Mine just looks, er…, odd. But they taste good, and that is the most important… Continue reading Norwegian Christmas Cooking: Sirupsnipper

Christmas Photoshoot with the Norwegian Royals

The annual Christmas photo shoot from the Norwegian royals tend to include an activity of some kind. This year’s activity was decorating a massive gingerbread house in the ball room of the royal palace. The gingerbread house was, as Princess Ingrid Alexandra rightly pointed out in the video, made by gluing gingerbread onto a cardboard… Continue reading Christmas Photoshoot with the Norwegian Royals