
I’m addicted to notebooks. I buy more of them than I really need. Mostly in the hope that I will get back into writing more again. Today I pulled one out at a meeting. I filled the page. And when I turned it, I discovered the start of a story idea. I wonder if that… Continue reading Notebooks

Categorized as Writing


 Also… I finished Nanowrimo in November! A triumph because it has been such a long time since I actually sat down and enjoyed the process of writing. The one thing I said to myself every day as I was writing: don’t stop to research, just write. And I wrote. And I am sure it was… Continue reading Nanowrimo

Quote on What women want

I am going through my old highlights on my Kindle from time to time. Some of them make perfect sense even much later, the majority of them seems to be that I’ve just held down my finger at the wrong point. The quote below from Lean in, by Sheryl Sandberg was one of the ones that I think… Continue reading Quote on What women want

Categorized as Writing

Thesis writing

I was reading through my LJ entries from when I was writing my thesis 1.5 years ago… And I’m beginning to miss the process of it. I make it sound so cozy, heading down to the coffee shop with my laptop to write… Being able to sleep in whenever I’d like… But then I remember… Continue reading Thesis writing

Categorized as Writing Tagged

A fresh start

No matter how many technical applications I have for writing in, Word, Scrivener, OpenOffice… – I don’t think there is anything that compares to an empty, lined notebook and a brand new pen that writes well. The rest of the writing process may be messy and disorganized, and may work better in computer-based writing programmes,… Continue reading A fresh start