Brass players and ballet

I think this is probably funnier if you’ve played a brass instrument, but it’s Canadian Brass doing ballet while playing – so naturally it must be shared.

Video: Dinner for one

Dinner for one is traditional “Little” Christmas Eve, ie. December 23, watching in Norway. It airs around 8 o’clock in the evening. And it is almost always as fun each year to watch them toast and the stumbling of the butler. In other parts of Europe, it airs on New Year’s Eve.

Norwegian Christmas songs: Vi tenner våre lykter

Marit Larsen, Kråkesølv and the Norwegian Broadcasting Channel’s version of Vi tenner våre lykter. The song is from the television advent calendar, Jul i Skomakergata, which was very popular in the 1980s and 1990s, and I would estimate that quite a lot of 20-30 year olds in Norway know this song. The original behind the… Continue reading Norwegian Christmas songs: Vi tenner våre lykter