In-between ill

Of course, it became evident when the fever left me that I am really terrible at being “in-between” ill. When I had fever and was coughing, I was quite good at that. Making sure I had enough to drink. Kept warm or cold depending on what my body wanted. And took a couple of Panodil to get… Continue reading In-between ill

The flu

When I visited my grandmother in the nursing home on Saturday, she and the other inmates were a coughing choir. On Monday, two days later, the cold I had been waiting for, for weeks, broke. Only, I suspect the flu instead, as there is fever, aches in the muscles, lack of appetite, mucus and a… Continue reading The flu

Goals for February

In February I will… Order tickets to visit Oslo. Play in the KVSC Trivia Weekend. 50 hours of trivia. Playing from Norway, on Minnesota time. Go on more hikes. (Possibly walk to work depending on shape and weather.) Reschedule with friends who were invited to the tea party – and set up new times to meet.… Continue reading Goals for February