Bwhat? From February 1, a single 1-zone ticket for transportation (bus, tram, or underground)in Oslo, if purchased onboard, will be increasing to 50 kr ($8.2). The same ticket, if purchased online, will cost 30 kr ($ 4.9) .
If you’re going to Oslo for a shorter period of time, but don’t know how much you will take the tram/bus/underground, there is also the option of purchasing day-passes (which cost 75 kr (or $12.3) compared to the onboard-bought single-zone tickets and is valid in three zones) or week-passes might be cheaper than to buy single tickets.
Of course, that’s what they want you to do as well, because the reasoning behind the increase?
“Many transactions onboard means that we can’t keep the timetable.»
I think I have more respect for Stavanger’s rhetoric in that they want as many as possible to have travel-passes and the like and not buy tickets onboard – because driving around with cash makes the bus drivers a target for criminals.
If you can’t keep the timetable – adjust the timetable.