Still going on about the Regina Leeds book One Year to an Organized Life: From Your Closets to Your Finances, the Week-by-week Guide to Getting Completely Organized for Good. I’ve made it to week 3 – and now we’re heading into kitchen territory. The first week is about planning how you’d like your kitchen to be – and what utensils can be eliminated, if you have a lot of them.
My kitchen is rather small, and lacking in counter space. I’ve solved that partly with adding an IKEA Stenstorp kitchen cart. It gave me a bit more counter-space, as well giving me a bit more shelf-space underneath. I’ve put the microwave there, as well as a couple of the other kitchen machines I use often.
The big advantage of the kitchen is the big cupboards. I can fit almost everything and the kitchen sink in there, if I arrange things around. However, the fact that they’re big, also means that they’re fairly deep and things can be difficult to locate. It’s also easy to just put things into them in the heat of the moment without thinking about if I’ll be finding them later…
A couple of things that I’ll be implementing at some point:
- additional containers for foodstuff for the pantry, to organize further. I have three containers, that I use for flour, cocoa and powdered sugar, already. I’ll be picking up
- 3 Step Kitchen Cupboard Shelf
, or something similar. This would give me a bit more overview over pantry items, ensuring that I won’t buy double of anything. Hopefully.
- A permanent marker to label dates on items I put in the freezer, containers I open in the refrigerator…
Flott heading!