Märtha Louise with a new series of books.

Princess Märtha Louise will be writing a series of books called “The Angel School,” publisher Cappelen Damm reports. The books will be presenting the topics that are taught in Astarte, her school, for self-development. She will be writing them with Elisabeth Samnøy, who is also the other partner in Astarte. It is unknown how many books… Continue reading Märtha Louise with a new series of books.

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Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg’s Costume interview

Here is a translation of some of the questions and answers from the recent interview with Countess Alexandra in Danish fashion magazine: Costume. Not everything has been translated, but I tried to incorporate a variety of the subject she talked about.    If you have the possibility to pick up the magazine, and can read… Continue reading Alexandra, Countess of Frederiksborg’s Costume interview

Princess Benedikte, biographies

Queen Ingrid once said that: “Benedikte is the most royal of my three daughters,” and Mette Bacher, the author of Benedikte: Prinsesse til Danmark, concurs in her foreword.

My life with horses

Personally, I am less than accustomed with horses. I’ve been on a pony once, under duress, and aside from that my closest relationship with them has been through My Little Pony, or horses for my Barbies. That being said… I still found the biography about Princess Nathalie zu Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg and her life with horses an… Continue reading My life with horses

The Palace – a review

I ended up watching the four first episodes of the British series, The Palace, a while ago. Obviously, it may not be fair to judge an entire series on so few episodes, but these were some of my thoughts.