
I am grateful for my sense of taste because it means that I can buy a basket of Norwegian strawberries, take a bite and be transported back to my childhood. Sitting on the steps to my grandmother’s garden in the south of Norway and eating the same brand of strawberries with my dad. Even if… Continue reading Taste

Once a month cooking

I’ve been trying out Once A Month Mom cooking this weekend. I now have a lot of delicious-smelling dishes in my freezer. It’s breakfasts, lunches and dinners – and you get the shopping lists for all the dishes as well as recipe cards, and the order of cooking to maximize time. Lessons learned (remember this… Continue reading Once a month cooking

Dangerous pastimes

Ikea in December is a dangerous place if you’re trying to be healthy. They have a gingerbread and gløgg-stand every five minutes, and even if you just ate… You will be inspired enough to partake in goods from all of them.


The problem with recommending the new chocolate sauce and mousse-filled dark chocolate bar to everyone… Is that I keep giving myself cravings. Help?

Kitchen II

I’m still working my way through Regina Leeds’ book, albeit slowly. Last week I started planning for the game night I’ve got going on, and the trivia weekend the weekend after that – so even though I looked through the chapter on the second part of the kitchen organization, I haven’t implemented much yet. My… Continue reading Kitchen II


I’ve had my juicer for a fair bit now – and although it is a pain to clean up since I don’t have a dishwasher – it does see semi-regular use. I have discovered some don’ts – cucumber juice is not all that good when it is the core ingredient, actually. On the similar level,… Continue reading Juicer