Pictures from May 17 in Oslo

I’m so incredibly late with this – but here are some pictures from my May 17 celebration in Oslo:

I didn’t discover until way too late that you had to have tickets (free tickets, but still you had to apply to get them) to stand in the area just in front of the palace.

That’s why the royals are just tiny stick figures on my pictures. I could see them quite well, and spotted Princess Astrid sitting in the window next to the balcony. Queen Margrethe also made an appearance in that window at some point.

But I figure that the rest of the day was pretty good despite that. We were fortunate enough to have amazing weather. I got sunburned. I ate ice cream. A pretty good day.

The day before I was kind of bummed that I hadn’t brought my national costume with me to Oslo when I returned from Easter Break, but the heat of the day and given the fact that my national costume is wool and linen and heavy and black…  I was super happy to be rocking a light summer dress instead.

It was a good national day, and it was a nice celebration of the bicentenary of the Norwegian constitution.

By Anne

Anne is a librarian by day. By night, she reads. She knits. She watches movies and television shows. She enjoys board games. And posting on royal related forums.

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