A fresh start

No matter how many technical applications I have for writing in, Word, Scrivener, OpenOffice… – I don’t think there is anything that compares to an empty, lined notebook and a brand new pen that writes well.

The rest of the writing process may be messy and disorganized, and may work better in computer-based writing programmes, such as Word or Scrivener, where it is easier to edit and move things around. But that first page… that first page is so filled with possibilities, and it’s so much easier to fill a handwritten page than an electronic one, for me.

Since I graduated, my life does not have that many new notebooks any more. But I guess that only means I should find them for myself, and write what I want, and not depend on having them for class.

My class notes always ended up with plenty of doodles and character development in the margin.

My biggest problem with that was actually remembering where I’d written what, so I could get it into the document.

I’m sure there are plenty of unfinished scenes or plot ideas scrambled about in old notebooks.

By Anne

Anne is a librarian by day. By night, she reads. She knits. She watches movies and television shows. She enjoys board games. And posting on royal related forums.

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