May 17

The Norwegian National Psalm: You can catch the television transmission from all over Norway, including the royals at Skaugum and at the Palace, on NRK from abroad. Some years they allow the viewers from abroad on this link – other years they restrict it to a specific transmission.

Battenberg cake

I have wanted to make a Battenberg cake for years. Since a recipe came with my issue of BBCGoodFood in March, it seemed like a good reason to make it.  Unfortunately, our pink food colouring did not come through that well in the oven. It ended up being yellow and brown… We might try some other colours… Continue reading Battenberg cake

Haakon & Maud

Grrr… Just finished reading this Norwegian series of books – allegedly about King Haakon and Queen Maud. It was meant to be a two volume series. In reality, the author was given (almost) free access to a whole lot of royal archives of letters, diaries and other documents (in Norway, Denmark, Sweden, Russia and the… Continue reading Haakon & Maud