The chairs

My dining room chairs has got a bit wonky. (Borrowed from my grandmother, who stored them somewhere and had not used them in a while. As evidenced by the fourth chair with paint splatters.) So, this summer, I made renovating them a project. I used sandpaper to remove the old paint as much as possible.… Continue reading The chairs


 Also… I finished Nanowrimo in November! A triumph because it has been such a long time since I actually sat down and enjoyed the process of writing. The one thing I said to myself every day as I was writing: don’t stop to research, just write. And I wrote. And I am sure it was… Continue reading Nanowrimo

Up and down

When someone I am not seeing regularly asks me how I have been recently, the answer is (depending on who it is) up and down. (And in general, though I am talking about my depression and my anxiety, I am also trying to be more aware of not talking to people about it as I… Continue reading Up and down

Creamy porridge with apple, raisins and orange juice compote

A new year, new food promises. This porridge from BBC Good Food is incredibly creamy – it actually feels a bit like rice porridge, but it is oats- and the compote on top brings it all together. The recipe gives two servings, and two big servings at that. From experience: I put one in the… Continue reading Creamy porridge with apple, raisins and orange juice compote

January resolutions

Happy New Year, people! I never keep the resolutions I intend for a whole year, so I thought I would try to have some resolutions each month this year, instead, and then hope at least some of them will become new habits. Or you know, a way to get it done. In January, I will… Read more paper-books… Continue reading January resolutions