Caramelized Apple Tarte Fine

Tarte Fine




When this recipe came across my RSS reader, I bookmarked it. And forgot it.

And suddenly it was September, and the crazy old apple tree in the garden that magically produced edible apples this year was booming with apples. I searched through the recipes and found this again.

Caramelized Apple Tarte Fine Recipe – Chocolate & Zucchini.

I made the rough puff pastry the night before. Basically because I was procrastinating so much during the day (hello Civilization V) that I didn’t have time to make it all in one night. The rough puff is super easy.  It also had to rest for an hour, so I gave it all night.

And the next day, I cut up the apples and did the rest of the preparation, baked it and served it to huge acclaim.

If I were to make it again, I would probably cut down on the sugar. I went with white sugar as that was what I had, and one tablespoon on the bottom and one on the top would have been more than enough given that the apples were also sweet.


By Anne

Anne is a librarian by day. By night, she reads. She knits. She watches movies and television shows. She enjoys board games. And posting on royal related forums.


  1. Hi Anne,
    Just wanted to say thank you for your follow-up comment on David Lebovitz’s blog. I’ll keep that in mind and I appreciate the tip! I’m happy to find your blog and am looking forward to browsing it. Cheers!

  2. Hi Judah,

    Glad to help. It can be difficult to know what products are best to use in a foreign land 🙂


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