Did you know…

that Queen Elizabeth II owns the copyright to the Authorized King James Bible? I didn’t, and neither did the people at Shakespeare’s Globe, who were planning on performing pieces of it over Easter. Apparently the copyright claims in the United Kingdom belong to the crown in perpetuity, and the King James Bible is 400 years… Continue reading Did you know…

Ingrid Alexandra 7 years old

Inhrid Alexandra turns 7 today, and the Norwegian court has, true to tradition, released some pictures. See: http://www.kongehuset.no/c27217/nyhet/vis.html?tid=89213 Some of the pictures are from the shoot they did with NRK before Christmas, while others are the product of her parents’ fondness for photography. (If you recall, some of the first pictures of Ingrid Alexandra released… Continue reading Ingrid Alexandra 7 years old

20 years

Today it is 20 years since King Olav passed away, and his son took over. Personally, I don’t remember much of that day at all – I was down for the count with stomach flu. Besides I was not very into royalty at all at the age of seven. I do remember his funeral. We… Continue reading 20 years

Christian and Isabella’s daycare

After the family’s recent move to Frederik VIII’s Palace at Amalienborg, Billedbladet revealed in this week’s number (2/2011) that Christian and Isabella have switched daycares. They were previously attending Dronning Louises børnehus (Queen Louise’s Children’s House) in Fredensborg. It seems that a decision was made that their transport to and from Fredensborg daily would be… Continue reading Christian and Isabella’s daycare

Welcome to the twins

With the arrival of the twins in Denmark last Saturday, and their departure from hospital today falling together with the arrival of my replacement computer this week, I am looking forward to the return to blogging. Having an enforced break from most things royal have been nice, but I’ve also missed participating. I’ve seen Young… Continue reading Welcome to the twins

Involuntary break

My computer died over Christmas, so regular posting will have to wait until the new one gets here. Hope you all had a great holiday, and a happy new year to you all.